A Transparent Code
Being clear about your purpose is important to people and industry bodies alike. As you read this, the DGA team is deep into the late stages of development for our Code of Practice.
The Code itself is the foundation of all for which we stand and once it’s released, will be the guiding light for the intersection of business, data and self-regulation.
In this role, the Code will perform three key functions;
- Provide guidance on the collection, use and management of data for Australian business;
- Provide a basis for compliance and self-regulation; and,
- Via the Trustmark, provide a clear market differentiator for DGA members to consumers.
In a joint effort by the DGA Board and a great team of lawyers at Allens Sydney office, the Code is being created in a bespoke manner i.e. from the ground up. This is an important point, because while it was theoretically possible to create a Frankenstein model by ‘cutting and pasting’ together existing Codes of Practice and calling it ours, it would not truly be the case.
We are, however, crafting a Code that is built upon genuine insights about Australian consumers and the way Australian companies using data operate.
Further to this point, we have been conscientious in ensuring that it is benchmarked against world’s best practices.
In the coming weeks, as part of our own process of due diligence, DGA will consult widely to ensure that all points of view are tabled. This will allow for the launch of the completed Code in May 2017.
If you have any questions contact us now.