Share your thoughts on the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Cross Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system provides a mechanism to facilitate the flow of personal information across borders while at the same time providing effective protection for personal information, essential to trust and confidence in the online marketplace. The CBPR system was developed by APEC economies with the aim of facilitating effective cross-border transfer of personal information while building consumer, business and regulatory trust in cross-border flows of personal information.
By applying a commonly agreed upon baseline set of rules, the CBPR system is said to bridge differences that exist between the privacy laws of various countries.
The Australian Government is currently asking for feedback on a range of issues in relation to the APEC CBPR to help provide it with an understanding of stakeholder and community views on the CPR system, including whether Australia should consider participating in the system.
You can view the full consultation paper, including background information, on the Government’s website here.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the APEC CBPR, or its impact on your business, please contact us.